Research Work

SANCHAR’s Research based initiative seek to understand the quality of life of persons with disabilities, the core issues at the grassroots in the path of inclusion and the gaps towards a disability inclusive community development. SANCHAR regularly studies and reviews the Acts, policies and schemes available for the persons with disabilities at state and national level. In 1988, SANCHAR’s one of the foremost initiatives was to publish ‘Towards Ability’, a Directory of all available Government and Non-Government services for people with disabilities in North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas and Kolkata districts of West Bengal.

A study on Conditions of Homes under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 for Children with Disabilities in West Bengal was undertaken in collaboration with Disability Activists Forum (DAF) and Praajak, a non-governmental development working towards preventing the abuse and exploitation of children and young people, at the behest of Directorate of Social Welfare (DSW) of West Bengal to ensure a shift from 'basic minimum standards' to 'quality standards of care and protection' in providing Institutional Care to children at risk. Read more

SANCHAR carried out a study in 2006 in 5 villages of South 24 Parganas with the support of Save the Children (UK) aiming at designing effective interventions around issues concerning child protection. The study was based on the principle of participation of children with a special focus on children with disabilities as an active agent of social change. Read more

A two year state level study was conducted by SANCHAR with the support of Action Aid in 2006 and 2007 in all 19 districts of West Bengal to review the status of people with disabilities with a special focus on gender. Read more

This initiative was followed by another analytical study in 2009 on Government /Non-Government schemes, facilities and services for people with disabilities and the extent of utilization in West Bengal as part of West Bengal Civil Society Support Programme (WBCSSP) initiative on mainstreaming disability in the development supported by PRIA and DFID, UK. Read more

As part of ‘Rights for Deaf Children and their families in India’ programme, a baseline study was undertaken in four states of India (Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal) to map the existing services and provisions for children with hearing impairment in each state emerging from government policies, voluntary sector efforts and to understand the attitudes of families and other stakeholders. Read more

SANCHAR in a joint project with Jan Vikas Samiti - Liliane Foundation, documented the best practices of Community Based Inclusive Development initiatives among their Partner Organisations. The purpose of this compilation is to discover and document CBID initiatives that reflect the achievements to ensure a better and dignified life for persons with disabilities. Read more

The Braille versions of all study reports are available on request.