
Overprotection from families and stigma and discrimination in the community lead to people with disabilities feeling incapable. This starts the search for empowerment. SANCHAR helps people with disabilities themselves moving from being passive receivers to active contributors in the community. SANCHAR helps young adults with disabilities to form their own groups (Disability Rights Groups - DRGs) and emphasizes on their capacity building to raise their voice. SANCHAR also helps the parents of children with disabilities to advocate for equal rights of their children. SANCHAR promotes collective action for a positive change towards ensuring human rights for all through facilitating formation of collective of people with disabilities, their parents /family members and /or community people. We work with various stakeholders in the community like Panchayat members, teachers, ICDS workers, Registered Medical Practitioners, health workers, members from local clubs and other NGOs working in and around the area to catalyze our efforts. SANCHAR emphasises on the capacity building of members of Disability Rights Groups (DRGs) and Parent Groups to make them aware of their rights and entitlements guaranteed by the government and have the ability to secure them. Regular training is organised for the DRG members on disability acts /laws, government schemes and facilities, advocacy & lobbying, leadership etc. to enable them to help others in accessing entitlements and to claim their rights collectively. At present 179 persons with disabilities are involved in 22 Disability Rights Groups. SANCHAR with the support of VSO India under India INGO Partnerships Agreement Programme (IPAP) has taken initiative to form a State level Federation of Persons with Disabilities in West Bengal. This Federation ensures the representation of Persons with Disabilities from all the districts of West Bengal. Collaboration with other disability-development organizations as well as Government Departments and through intensive consultative meetings and trainings the capacity of the members of the federation has been developed to advocate for their rights. SANCHAR has facilitated the formation of ‘Pratidhwani’, a forum of parents of children with deafness in four states in India (Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal) as part of ‘Rights for Deaf Children and their Families in India’ programme supported by Deaf Child Worldwide and DFID, UK. ‘Pratidhwani’ gives voice to the demands of children and persons with Deafness and claim their rights. To improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities and their families, SANCHAR puts a continuous effort to remove information and communication barriers. SANCHAR provides opportunity to learn Braille and sign language. To remove community barriers in the process of empowerment, SANCHAR mobilizes the local governance and key leaders in the community and encourages the persons with disabilities to take part in decision making process in gram sabha and in other community meeting.