Celebrate your Birthday

Celebrate your Birthday for a cause... As you are blessed on your birthday, choose to be a blessing to others. We all love to celebrate our Birthdays, but this year you can celebrate the day in a different way! How? You can pledge on your birthday to support a less privileged child with disabilities who is fighting against poverty and discrimination. Your pledge can make a difference in his /her life to ensure his /her inclusion in mainstream society with equal rights. Make an impact by asking your friends and family to donate to your campaign to help a child with disabilities for his / her health & rehabilitation, education and inclusion.

Three Simple Steps:

  • Pledge: Click here and fill this simple form and pledge on your birthday.
  • Create: Before your Birthday, we will contact you and help you to create your ‘Birthday for a Cause’ campaign page on Facebook.
  • Invite: Ask your friends and family to help you to reach your goal towards supporting a child with disability on your Birthday.

Choose the amount and the cause:

  • Rs. 1500/- / $ 25 per month for Physiotherapy sessions (4 – 6 sessions per month) for a child with disability.
  • Rs. 1500/- / $ 25 per month for Auditory & Speech Therapy sessions (4 – 6 sessions per month) for a child with hearing impairment.
  • Rs. 600/- / $ 10 per month for medicine for a child / adult with epilepsy / mental illness per month.
  • Rs. 15,000/- / $ 250 for one pair of Behind the Ear hearing aid for a child with hearing impairment.
  • Rs. 10,000/- / $ 170 for mobility aids (Calipers, KAFO etc.) for young adult with disabilities
  • Rs. 600/- / $ 10 for Braille classes for children with visual impairment.
  • Rs. 600/- / $ 10 for Indian Sign Language classes for children with hearing impairment.
  • Rs. 600/- / $ 10 per month for tuition fees of a child with disability.

For any further information, please call us @ +91-33-2497 5625 or send us an email to sanchararod.india@gmail.com