
A person with disability can be a contributory member of their family and community through appropriate support and opportunities. SANCHAR organizes training on business strategies and on skill development on different trades for the persons with disabilities and facilitates income generating activities by providing raw materials, seed money, professional support for quality production, putting up stalls in handicraft fair and linking them with others for selling their products. SANCHAR also does networking, advocacy and lobbying with the employers for placement of PWDs and their family members and creates awareness on the work potential and right to employment of people with disabilities. SANCHAR gives thrust on family or associate trades, which has demand in the community. SANCHAR also facilitates the process of availing BPL Card, Ration Card, Job Card under National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) etc. SANCHAR also creates awareness on the rights of enjoying a minimum standard of living through social protection measures of people with disabilities who are out of work, who cannot work, or whose resources from occupational activities are not sufficient. SANCHAR runs an outlet ‘Barnali’ for helping Swabalambi (an inclusive income generation group of young adults with disabilities and their friends and family members) for selling their products.