Health and Rehabilitation

Persons with disabilities have a right to attain highest standard of health without discrimination and receive same quality and standard of health services like others. To enable persons with disabilities to attain maximum independence, SANCHAR provides comprehensive health and rehabilitation services. The health component of SANCHAR’s activity covers 5 key areas:

Health Promotion
  • Strengthening personal knowledge and skills of persons with disabilities and their family members about health and hygiene
  • Creating awareness among health-care providers about disability issues
  • Organising health promotion campaigns
  • Instigating early detection and treatment to stop the progression of health issues
  • Encouraging proper immunisation
  • Providing education on low cost locally available nutritious foods
Medical Care
  • Providing financial support to access medical care
  • Making Primary Health Care Centres and other heath units in the villages accessible for the persons with disabilities
  • Identifying needs and preparing periodic rehabilitation plans
  • Promoting basic rehabilitation services in the community
  • Providing training in daily-living skills
Assistive Devices
  • Helping the persons with disabilities to have access to appropriate assistive devices
  • Providing knowledge about assistive devices to access, use and to take proper care of them.