From the very beginning, SANCHAR’s aim has been the inclusion of children with disabilities in the mainstream education system. Hence we regularly facilitate school sensitisation programmes. On the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we were invited by Women's Christian College, Kolkata to conduct an interactive session on 'Disability and Inclusion' on 30th November, 2015. Besides, they also provided a space to the members of Swabalambi (a disability inclusive income generating group facilitated by SANCHAR) to exhibit and sale their hand-made products. Thanks to the teachers and the students who were part of the event.

Training and Resource Division


Today SANCHAR has built its capacity as a Training Centre at National Level based on its 28 years of experience and has developed a replicable Community Based Rehabilitation model towards a disability inclusive development.

Read more about Training Division



Swabalambi is an inclusive income generation group of young adults with disabilities and their friends and family members who have already been trained as part of SANCHAR’s livelihood intervention.

Read more about Swabalambi

Braille Printing Division


The Braille Printing Division was set up in 2005 as part of the Resource Support Unit. Earlier the division used to publish various Acts, advocacy documents, Govt. schemes and facilities both in English and Bengali version.

Read more about Braille Printing

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