
SANCHAR’s one of the focus areas is advocacy for Disability and Human Rights. SANCHAR is involved in various advocacy activities to influence the policies and programmes and to make them disability inclusive. SANCHAR has a strong network with the Department of Chief Disability Commissioner at the national level and State Disability Commissioner, West Bengal and frequently deals with the advocacy issues. Both as an individual organisation and as part of a number of networks /forums, SANCHAR has substantial experience in influencing the policy makers. SANCHAR has also been associated with the Disability Movement in India and has taken active part in Disability Census in 2001 and in 2011. SANCHAR maintains a good rapport with the community key stakeholders – members of the local government (Panchayat members), school teachers, local doctors and health workers, community leaders, club members etc. and involve them in advocacy initiatives at the community level. SANCHAR also builds the advocacy capacity of the groups of persons with disabilities or of the parents of persons with disabilities through various training programmes.