Like every year, annual sports were conducted in six different locations in the month of January and February. Around 300 children, with and without disabilities, participated in the events. Previously SANCHAR used to organise inclusive sports and the community people used to come forward to support. But now the parents of children with disabilities, young adults with disabilities and local club members are organising the sports and SANCHAR is helping them. This is a positive change that we strive for. We are happy to see that Subhojit, Beauty, Ekram, Sikandar with whom we worked many years back have now grown up enough to organise sports for children with and without disabilities. They are actually promoting ‘Right to Participation for All’ in their villages. We are proud to see them playing our role.

Training and Resource Division


Today SANCHAR has built its capacity as a Training Centre at National Level based on its 28 years of experience and has developed a replicable Community Based Rehabilitation model towards a disability inclusive development.

Read more about Training Division



Swabalambi is an inclusive income generation group of young adults with disabilities and their friends and family members who have already been trained as part of SANCHAR’s livelihood intervention.

Read more about Swabalambi

Braille Printing Division


The Braille Printing Division was set up in 2005 as part of the Resource Support Unit. Earlier the division used to publish various Acts, advocacy documents, Govt. schemes and facilities both in English and Bengali version.

Read more about Braille Printing

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